Vircadia, LPI, and the Web

The pursuit of living and working in virtual reality is a long and difficult road. It requires software at its foundation that is versatile yet also resistant. An open source, decentralized, and scalable architecture is required.

We’re very happy to announce that the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is partnering with us in this effort.

Vircadia Interface currently runs natively on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. This enables users to use their desktop (or VR) to attend virtual worlds with up to hundreds of people in a single instance. While performance and capability are high due to the native implementations, the native implementations are also a barrier to entry: it’s difficult to ask someone to download a large unknown application to try something out. It takes time and effort!

If only we could simply give a link to someone like we do with photos and videos, then suddenly there would be little excuse to not check something out. Discord is a good example of this: you can share a link to a server and all you need is a web browser to attend! The cost to try it is low while the potential reward of joining something interesting is high.

Virtual worlds should have the same simplicity, especially for a first-time experience. You should be able to visit a virtual world with others simply by opening a link in your nearest device’s web browser.

Read more here.