Community Content Initiative - Material Entities

This post is part of the Community Content Initiative (CCI). The plan is to build up a library of Models, Scripts, Materials and other content both new and experienced community members can use to help bring their worlds alive, with the potential of including some of these directly within interface itself in the future. So please, ORIGINAL content under the Apache 2.0 license only.

Some examples of useful materials include but are not limited to:

-wood planks
-tiled wood
-floor tiles

Please reply to this thread with any contributions. Reach out to Aitolda#4826 with any questions.



Material - PaintSplotches.

This is a curious one. I tiled some paintsplotches I made, generated a Diffuse,Roughness,Normal and AO maps. It doesn’t really look like anything in particular, which I find makes it useful for when you just want a sense of texture. I’ve used it many times for walls and even the ground. Easy to tint the color in the material editor.

Paint Splotches Material

To use:

Open your create menu and at the bottom select “Import Entities (.Json) from a URL.” Alternatively find the same option in the edit menu at the top left of the interface and do the same. A small sphere will appear (This is a material entitiy). As with all Material Entities you’ll want to parent it to the Shape or Mesh you want it to affect. The easiest way to do this is by opening the create menu to enter create mode, select the material entity in your window, hold shift and select the object to affect, then press ctrl+P. the object will now show the material.

Have fun!

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